Information System Really Useless Degree? (Must Read)

Often students find themselves in a pickle when their desired degree gets dragged through the mud by a know-it-all relative or a worried friend who wants them to make the right choice.

In some cases, this series of events may save you from future stress, but often you might miss a great opportunity because you got scared.

This article will discuss one of such degrees that’s considered useless by the general community: Information Systems or IS.

We will shed some light on many vital aspects to conclude. Please stick with us until the end to find out.

So, Is Information System Degree Useless?

In short, a degree in information systems is not useless. It is, in fact, a fantastic alternative for those who appreciate solving problems using computers. If you pursue a degree in information systems, you will have a multitude of well-paying, in-demand, and interesting employment prospects.

Suppose you want to explore or master an additional domain. In that case, you can opt for Computer Information Systems (CIS) degree that incorporates core IT concepts and a thorough overview of the technical parts of a computer system.

These professionals are even higher in demand as their skillset is much more valuable to an enterprise.

Information Systems revolves around applying practical knowledge to information technology to help digital organizations manage their operations.

It includes multiple domains such as software, hardware, and computer programming.

Graduates of an Information System degree program are often skilled in detailed statistics, relevant math, system analysis, database systems, design, and more.

Information system engineers often bridge the IT infrastructure and other components of a business design.

Since they have to make the communication process seamless, they must carry the knowledge of both domains to operate within an organization effectively.?

Degrees in computer science can lead to a range of interesting and exciting employment.

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Here are a few job options; this is not an exhaustive list.

Wondering About Career Options?

An information system degree has many job applications, and we will discuss a few of them below:

  1. Business Analyst:

Business analysts make around $87,660 per year with a job outlook of 14% (faster than average).

Business analysts work with a business or government organization to optimize their general infrastructure for maximum efficiency.

They spend most of their time analyzing the critical aspects of its operations and suggest improvements wherever necessary.

Since they have to communicate everything to the business authorities, strong interpersonal skills are a huge plus if you choose this job option.

  1. Computer System Analyst:

Computer system analysts make around $93,730 per year with a 7% (average) job outlook.

Computer system analysts work with businesses or government agencies to improve their computational network within the organization.

They find solutions to recurring or chronic computer problems to make the operational process as efficient as possible.

Since they understand both domains, i.e., IT and business, they suggest improvement keeping the solid points and limitations of either field in mind.

  1. Data Analyst:

The average salary of a data analyst is $86,200 per year, with a job outlook of 25% (much faster than average).

Data analysts cover a more extensive area of expertise than other job options as their services are applicable in multiple domains.

They offer critical insights to an organization by studying the market through mathematical principles while providing a short or long-term solution for ideal growth.

Since they are fluent in analytical methods, companies often hire data analysts to get a clearer picture of their current operations to identify the places that need improvement.

  1. Software Developer:

The average salary of a software developer is $89,190 per year, with a job outlook of -10% (decline).

Software developers are often tasked with writing and compiling code for the desired software and the optimum maintenance of the developed app/tool.

They find bugs or abnormalities within the code to continually improve the software’s efficiency and user experience.

Many software developers work in offices, but some work as freelancers, using reputable online work websites such as Fiverr, Upwork, etc.

Of course, you’ll have to learn the many computer languages and stay updated on the newest trends to be effective as a software developer.

  1. Web Developer:

The average salary of a web developer is $77,200 per year, with a job outlook of 13% (faster than average).

Web developers create and design websites for a corporate organization or anyone looking to build an online portfolio.

They are often skilled at code-writing and imagining creative concepts to make each website unique, minimal, and efficient.

Many web developers are self-employed and work on a project-to-project basis, but quite a few work in offices with digital designers.

Regular maintenance of the website and handling the server end of the operations is also a web developer’s job.

  1. Information Security Analyst:

The average salary of an information security analyst is $103,590 per year, with a job outlook of 33% (much faster than average).

Information security analysts find security solutions for organizations to keep their data safe from potential cyber-attacks and malware.

Data theft is becoming a dire issue in the modern, virtually connected world.

People are doing everything to build walls against this problem, so an information security analyst is highly in demand by many financial and business companies.

Additionally, they monitor the security breaches whenever they occur and run them through a thorough investigation for a clean overview.

This information is then harvested to strengthen the defense system of the company.

Information security analysts may also provide consultancy as independent figures to multiple organizations.

Final Thoughts

Information System Degree is not Useless. If you opt for an information system degree, you have many well-paying jobs, in-demand, and interesting job opportunities. Trends like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Security, and big data are quickly evolving. And chances are, the more skill you have, the more you’ll stay in demand in the market.

All in all, a degree in Information Systems is an excellent choice in today’s market, and the future seems promising too.

If you were confused about choosing this particular discipline, you now have the necessary ammo to make an informed choice.

Ensure to read this article thoroughly, so you have all the information you need about the Information Systems degree and the viable career options. Cheers!

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