Architecture Vs Nursing, Which One Should I Study? (Solved & Explained)

Are you thinking about studying either Architecture or Nursing?

Both careers paths are popular, and they are completely different.

To help you make a decision have put together this article for you.

So, Architecture or Nursing, which one should I study?

In short, Nursing is seen to be better since they have significantly more job opportunities than Architects, therefore landing an Architect role or promotion is much more difficult. Nursing offers stable employment and a vast number of career opportunities and does pay more than Architecture.

Nursing demands a serious commitment, so if you are kindhearted and have the willpower to help the weak and diseased, nursing is the path for you.

Furthermore, you need to be willing to contribute long hours in stressful conditions, and you need to put your patient’s needs ahead of your own.

Highly skilled nurses are in great demand globally, and nurses quickly get jobs in the private and government sectors.

Many imagine that nursing involves caring for patients.

However, it is much more than that.

Nurses increasingly assume leadership roles in healthcare settings and can diagnose, treat, and handle patients without supervisors.

Furthermore, advanced education can let you specialize in critical care nursing, psychiatry nursing, oncology nursing, or cardiothoracic nursing.

Then there are Paediatric nurses who work with children, and they have to provide intensive and standard care and provide everything that their medical condition demand.

Now let’s discuss Architecture.

To be successful in Architecture requires an eye for detail, confidence and resilience.

Resilence and confidence when having to present your ideas to a client or customer, only to be knocked back.

Many college graduates find landing their first Architect job difficult due to the level of competition from other graduates.

Unfortunately, the demand for Architects is not that great.

Having said that, a number of job openings vary as demand for Architects can vary greatly from city to city.

Successful Architects are good communicators and influencers.

Spending a large portion of their day talking to clients, project managers and builders.

This includes having to deal with and manage conflict.

Architects play an important role in construction projects, normally beginning to end.

Start of the project, talking to the client about the brief, budget and timeframe.

Then fun stuff of actually designing and drawing the concept.

Assuming the client approved the project, construction commences getting involved with the project manager and builder, ensuring the build is to specifications.

Then post-construction, the Architect most rewarding phase is seeing vision or design become real.

And that’s where most Architects get the most satisfaction and drive to keep going.

Architecture Harder to Study than Nursing? (Solved & Explained)

Studying both Architecture and Nursing is hard.  Architecture is as hard as Nursing because it is really intense and involves long hours drawing and designing models. Nursing is equally as hard compared to Architecture as it requires high grades in a range of subjects such as biology, math, chemistry, biology and psychology.

Obtaining an Architecture degree can be highly rewarding, but also very demanding. Long hours and huge workload requiring detailed focus.

However, it is important to note that level of difficulty will depend on a person’s level of interest

When it comes to getting a job, it is much easier to land a Nursing job than an Architecture job.

The reason being there are fewer Architecture jobs than Nursing.

When it comes to wages, and Architecture the average wage is around $80k USD compared to a Nurse’s average wage of $117k per annum.

So when it comes to comparing demand for jobs and wages, Architecture is much harder than Nursing.

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Final Thoughts

You should consider becoming a Nurse if you enjoy helping and caring for people and don’t mind working shifts and being on your feet all day.

You should consider becoming an Architect if you have an eye for detail, enjoy solving design challenges and coming up with design concepts

Nursing is many ways easier than Architecture, with ease of obtaining a job, through to a multitude of career paths and higher wages.

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